Moving VBS2 AAR Timeline to Projectile Detonation

The projectile analysis window described in the previous section also has the ability to fast-forward the timeline (or rewind it), to the detonation time of any round. 

To do this, simply select the round you are interested in from the table, and then hit the Fast Forward to Selected Detonation button at the bottom of the table.  This will immediately move the current AAR time to the time 3 seconds before the selected round detonated.  The button does not affect the AAR camera view, but only the time. 

If the button is disabled when you select any round, it is because the AAR recording was complete before the round detonated.  Therefore, the detonation time, is not shown within the currently loaded AAR.

The “Fast Forward to Selected Detonation” button is enabled only after 3 seconds from the last click on that button.